Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Soma Online That Are Legit

n3m goes china - The Movie - Intro

Moving ahead with the video production, here are the intro as a little teaser:

Have fun!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Root Beer Extract Or Concentrate

News from the Institute / n3m's w0rld

4100 Hello my fans ^ ^

Everyday life has me really back in control, almost as if I had never been to China - the real madness. Of course, I think very often of the people, life and fun in China but somehow everything seems so far away.

Well, life goes on ... and that's when n3m w0rld !!

Before I continue my beloved China Blog inundate with Laser Pointer-Crap, I'm out of you decided yet so exciting about my life in a separate blog to keep up to date.

Until then, your

Thomas =)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Cover Unsightly Sink Pipes

Green Laser Pointer Death Of

fog + 30 mW laser pointer from Shanghai = Fun! : D

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cheats For Gpsphone Easy

German customs - good customs

Hi fans,

is indeed madness , my blog is actually read yet! We are approaching the 4000 high mark. Thank you!

It's Wednesday, 6:38 clock and I have to soon for morning shift with Europcar (car rental), as my class schedule this semester is pretty loose. The lao wai everyday made me so tightly in the handle (in China I would not do for a car rental work hehe).

Our Turkey holiday was beautiful, sunny and very relaxed - exactly what one (s) after a half year, China needs without significant leave entitlements.

Here is a info on all hard sows (especially Anne and Peter N. Sch.) They are still in China. My "hot" package from China came through (DVDs, clothes) as my "legal" package was being held against his will by customs.

So I had yesterday morning drive out to the customs office and explain the origin of the nice customs officer of the package. After I had sworn on oath (attention exaggeration) that in the package No commercial items are, the officer was satisfied and took the package. Although I had nothing to fear, I was kind of relieved.

Shortly after I put the package on the counter, they wanted to take a look and I thus had to give her a deep insight into a box full of life. She was deeply interested in my tea Teepot and "hoped that this is no BTM Software. After a smell test in my resurrected in the TIMES extra 7 Euro-tea, she left me with the last piece of loot from Zhong Guo move from there.

So guys and girls love soldiers at the front faces 16:9: If ye send something home wish is (10 pounds, 30 €), the odds that your package will be controlled or pulled out at 50 percent felt. It does arrive, in any case, that's for sure.

My advice to you: Illegal items (watch, bag, DVD - like ego miss) to the luggage. Legal, unimportant things (Unterbumbel, shirt, strap-on) in the post.

Finally another 2 Pics,

far So,


Happy Together with Chinese teacup

original Hangzhou tea cup and tea from Taicang
(Thanks Wendy for the Mug, thanks for the customs non-seizure of my tea)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What Fondant Buddy Use

The Aftermath

Yesterday Desi and I were with my former German colleague Daniel Stender and his girlfriend Tanya in Herzogenaurach. There we were just shopping at the Adidas outlet and then have my suitcase, picked up my new DC backpack and my 2 trolleys, each filled to the brim with China shopping loot. I now have so many shirts and polo shirts, the next time that I first have to buy any clothes. At this point, again, many thanks to Daniel and Tanya that I bring so many things with you in the container was allowed: D

Desi died at the sight first death in 1000, so I was immediately sentenced to clean up.

far So,


PS: My laptop is back from repair, I can cut right after our holiday in Turkey the coveted China video.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Differences In Recatal Prolapse And Hemmorrhoid


While I was still racking his head on my China-Conclusion, my additional Shanghai-shopping is now ended up with Daniel in Herzogenaurach, Germany Trosti chilling out in Hawaii, you can see the ladies dancing . Have fun!

dark, loud, cool - this is Taicang SOS!

PS: To all the false start to think that here begins my blog, please link in the blog archives for "January", thank you:) has

Saturday, September 1, 2007

How Much Do A Retainer Cost At Kates Orthodontics

I'm Back!

So, I hope to my video as far as you like. Slowly but surely, approaching the "n3m goes china" counter-experience to the end. After nearly a week in Germany, 140 € excess baggage, a lot of sleep and a lot of German food, I'm slowly again at home.

for my great-China conclusion, it is still too soon, so you can watch a few more entries here are pleased. My China Video (9 Tapes 90 minutes each) is already in progress and as soon as the intro is finished, can be found here, as always, a sneak peek for you.

At this point, many thanks to the now nearly 3400 visitors - I hope you had as much fun on this blog as I =)

So far, Thomas

Lights, Camera, Action!

Thanks also to the customs for non-check ^ ^

Newfield Clan reunited "Welcome back"

My own personal banner
Thanks Desi ^ ^

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sore Bleeding Tongue After Brushing

Cruisin 'Shanghai 2007


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Allusions To Roman Mythology In Romeo And Juliet

Time to Say Goodbye

Now it's almost time. My time in China is coming in incredibly long strides towards the end. Only one more week. Now it says: One last time Shanghai, the last time Fakemarkt, spend one last time with new friends.

run at home, preparations for my return already in full swing. My car is brought up to scratch and logged back while my dear friend Desiree is one of the remaining days to their tally.

The entire stay in China felt is more like a dream that's over now. The great age of realization is determined only when I am back in Germany, accompanied by the words: "Oh God, I was in China."

But all is not over. Stay tuned for some more action ... n3m goes china

near Sun and yet so far ...

Coming home for Christmas;)

Gentlemen start your engines

Even the winter tires are still on it

Despite grandpas garage pretty dirty ...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Does Adderall Cause Mucus

Fear and Loathing in Qingdao

What a Trip! Friday evening we met at 19.00 at the gate clock Century Garden, waiting for the driver. Mr. Honda was a little late but Mr. bread box was already there. Marie, Charlotte, Ronny, Dominik and myself pity on us with the shoe box to go to Hongqiao airport - a nice bumpy ride.

Once there, we immediately checked in and shortly after we got on the plane to Qingdao. Our beach party sun euphoria evaporated fairly quickly but when we found out that it poured down with rain in Qingdao. So we went with 4 taxis to the hostel. The trip took longer than usual because quite Qingdao was under water and they were totally overwhelmed us for major highways. After a brief odyssey through Q-Town, we finally reached our hostel.

where only one room was ready, which was also still totally moldy. Then came the nagging gets ready. In the end we were spread across several rooms and a group took the mold room because we had no chance of reception according to a hotel - after all, was the next day, yes, the go-ahead for the 14th International Beer Festival in Qingdao. After more than exhausting journey we were dead tired in our bunks. Oh yes, there was no running water - because of the storm - and the computer to program the Room keycards was broken, everything went so perfectly -.-*

The next morning we walk to discover at the beach promenade towards the city in search of a Starbucks or at least breakfast. How were of course not find it, so we covered ourselves in a bakery with sweets and a piece of moldy cheese cake. Immediately afterwards we took the next best taxi in the direction of Tsingtao Brewery.

There we met an American named Casey Cobb by his company more flavor. Together with him, so we visited the brewery museum and bottling plants. As we passed a glass case with beer bottles from all over the world, trust I my eyes - in the glass display case were actually two empty bottles and an empty bottle of Alpha Brauhaus Schweinfurt beer cellar. Before I met euphoria quickly called him back to Charlotte to meet her proud to show my discovery. Schweinfurt rocks!

After the visit we were drinking some beers in the accompanying Tsingtao "pub". Then I went briefly back to the hostel for my video camera and all the Tsingtao beer souvenirs to bring to your room. Meanwhile, the slight drizzle has again developed into a full monsoon and we swam with our taxi towards beer festival. Once there we met up again with the other (12 people permanently to reconcile simply does not work) and we were on our way to the Paulaner beer tent.

the beer tent we ordered beer awfully expensive Paulaner and danced to the Chinese entertainment on the table - until it gave way and shattered. Somehow I was not really in a party mood, because I think the beer festival also seemed pretty fake - to the expensive beer. 2 hours, 2 beers benches and a broken beer table later (we were now also table-dance-ban), decided Thomas Kreutzer, Dominik and I to rush us into BABYFACE. Of course, it was still raining like cats and dogs, and how, as always, got a taxi. It is in Shanghai already hard to get one if it rains, but in Qingdao, it is really absolutely impossible. If QD up to his 2008 Olympics Taxi fleet doubled - did the real problems. Eventually, Thomas K. found soaking wet with a 100 RMB note to the streets to ANYONE who drives us to the disco. A nice Chinese in a new Citroen took pity on us and drove us into BABYFACE. There we rocked up to 2 clock in the morning of Black and House, Paul met in Stuttgart and at the end many Russians. As we were too stupid, we went back out into the rain. Thomas wanted to another bar, New York or something like that predisposed, but in the short term in order to massage. The Relax!

about half past 3, we were soaking wet, tired and still slightly intoxicated at our hostel and wanted nurnoch of Death on the bed. Unfortunately, the hostel Staff Thomas Kreutzer extra bed in our room away (including my Ray Ban sunglasses Fake - ICH WAR YOU YOU FUCKER), and so Thomas was still a tirade at the best that has washed himself. Letzenendes he got a free bed in another room and we had a less oxygen consumer in our 8m ² of four.

The next morning I slept and Dominic from the ghetto and went to our breakfast (a can of cold coffee for two and a packet of strawberry biscuits) on a discovery tour of Qingdao. We walked back down the hill to the waterfront and walked along it in a different direction. There were many traders spread out their trinkets and junk so I bought several, and a killer slingshot for 80 cents. At the end of the promenade, in a small alley, we saw a little girl eating their pasta in peace. Thus, a small, love Chinese, I had to photograph them immediately.

We looked at the clock and still had 2 hours on up to our agreed meeting point at 15.00 clock Hostel. So we decided to visit the TV Tower Qingdao. We took a taxi there, had a look at everything in silence and enjoyed the spectacular view from the rooftop terrace - the weather was now dry and sunny. When we were done we went to the restaurant to view the local elevator down to drive. The line was super long and we had to drive only 30 minutes to return to the hostel. We made spontaneously returns to the abstract of one-way streets in Souvernirshop where people may actually just get in and the staff there made clear that we have down here, because otherwise we would miss our flight. It worked ^ ^

below were arrived there, as always, not a taxi and then separated Domi and I to double our chances. After about 15 minutes I had one and wanted to pick up Dominic by taxi, but he was somehow related to nowhere. When he appeared then, the taxi driver knew the way to the hostel, not even the mini used on the card no. So we got pissed out of the taxi from - the 7 we had to fork out RMB. In the meantime, however, had Dominik a group of Chinese-twenties checked out, which we gladly went to the hostel - thank God! They were really cool and could even halfway English. We arrived in time at the hostel.

all together again, we took three taxis to the airport - with the best sunshine. Man, I've been annoyed, but we had stopped just unlucky with the weather. In any case, we have made the best of the situation and experiences in any case a lot. Qingdao is a beautiful city, which I'll look again at all costs.

far So,



country under!

Our room

First Impressions from Qingdao

Good night!

command SMILE!

The mother of the Chinese beer

Woa woa NAZI!

Thomas in Drunken-Room

Brauhauskeller beer and Alpha FTW!

Beerfest my ass!

What is your konig Rlsener?

At least the Chinese had their fun

Thomas clock at 2 am in the massage outfit ^ ^

Just the sweet little

TV Tower Qingdao

Do not mess!

The view was great

Hostel of Mass Destruction

Our new Chinese home driving Homies

Woa woa II NAZI!

Boarding the plane

Good Night China!