Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Creative Soundbla X-fi

Bayerischer Wald: Winter vital in the hotel Schürger

holiday in Germany: Bavarian Forest
Spa Hotel Schürger , Ching Hartinger Strasse 2, 94169 Thurmansbang
Tel 08 504 9000 Mobile

Homepage: "wellness-hotel-Schuerger" Ning: Wellness-Hotel-Schürger

Hotel Schürger Vital-and Wellnesshotel Schürger, Bavarian Forest
Our hotel has 122 beds with shower and WC, Telephone, satellite TV, balcony or terrace.
house guests, an indoor swimming pool (5x15m, 30 degrees), sauna, solarium
and an elevator available. Rounding out our active offer by
* an in-house tennis court (artificial turf), the lawn

* * a * Kneipptretanlage
and a children's playground.

lounge, restaurant and King Ludwig Stubn, café terrace and beer garden to recreate the feeling of wellbeing. For entertainment we prepare for our guests slide shows, dance, harp and folk evenings and fashion shows.
activity holiday to Thurmansbang
in the vicinity of the spa town Thurmansbang see many Opportunities to make your stay active.
hiking, biking, skiing, golfing, horseback riding, ballooning, etc. are just some of many possibilities to spend a relaxing break, the best weeks of the year.

* Indoor swimming pool (5x15 m, 29 degrees Celsius),
* sauna, solarium,
* artificial grass tennis court,
* Kneipptretanlage,
* Children's playground.
Latest holiday offers

3 Schuppertage

2 nights with half board
1 relaxing massage
price 99, - (! Possible health insurance subsidy) per person / double

7 days 6 nights

Health Week including half-board
7 x Nordic walking with instructor to stimulate cell metabolism
7 x Qi Gong
1 x full-body aura measuring to get to know the body's energy status
1 x hay to strengthen the immune system
daily Relaxation on the in-house courses
energy price 399, - per person / double
arrival Sunday, available until 19.12. and from 09.01. to 31.10.2011

7 days Winter weeks

6 nights including half board
2x Winter - Nordic Walking
1 guided snowshoe-night walk with head lamps
1x hay
1x Magnetic Therapy
daily indoor swimming pool and sauna use
Price 324, - pp / d

Eight days' enjoy with all senses `

7 nights including half board
1 special facial treatment mask modeling
an Acupuncture Massage after Penzel
2x Nordic walking with instructor
an herbal Sudbad with aroma oil of your choice
1 Hot Stone 1 reflexology massage

daily indoor swimming pool and sauna use
Price 559, - per person / double room (balcony), otherwise (East-West-North) 523, - per person / double

What To Write Congratulations Messages New Baby

Tips for driving in snow chaos

- Brakes are for losers! Those who risk brakes in poor conditions that secure the rear man can not brake in time and the car is back damaged.

- tailgating! follow in poor visibility conditions must be tailgating better man to his front.

- Quick run! With higher speed, you can pass through the dangerous places faster.

- safety! You have a car that supports them in all dangerous situations, they have paid a lot of money. Take advantage of their opportunities.

- No respect! Those who can not keep up with them is a loser and did not deserve better. Get over it mit maximalen Risiko und zeigen sie anderen, dass sie es drauf haben!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Females Genital Tattoos

an ice-cold beer

It happened in January 24 years ago n, from today's perspective, therefore, practically still in adolescence. After swimming in the "Mubeeri" indoor pool with a handful of colleagues in the rest national or drink a beer. Hans Peter, a former competitive swimmer, told with bright eyes from the Christmas swim in Geneva, formerly a social occasion of his swimming club. "I would like to once again faces mitm , but alone it is my counter. Who's coming, accompanied me in next winter? It works yet? The spins so perfect! However, the seed began to germinate. Two or three glasses of beer was later the subject back on the table and appeared no longer with us as absurd. But why to Geneva, we still have the Aare at the door? Why at Christmas, we still have the Onion Market? We finally agreed to call the company "Zibeleschwümme" and the day before the Marit, that is, on Sunday morning in 1100 Clock to perform in the Aare in Schönau. Hans Peter knew the caretaker of the local sports facility well us the dressing rooms and Do in claims will undoubtedly provide. From now on, was the farewell greeting, during the summer, "de Auso, bim Zibeleschwümme. I do not know what happened to the others, I believed in any case never really in it.

The summer passed, the Onion Market moved closer and closer, said the Sunday morning was suddenly there. Eva, who wanted to share this fate with me, stood with me and a dozen like-minded people in front of the wardrobe. The janitor had opened the doors. The secret hope that it might not all be true, a lot there.

with a numb feeling, we moved the B adehosen, track suits and sneakers on. Couple, we went to the assigned "Stägli. In terms of a relay race had to be a certain distance swum. A Zibelezopf, mounted on a round styrofoam plate served as a "baton". Now, the series followed a few surprises, saying:

Despite the airy clothes and even while waiting for the replacement, clothed only with the trunks, we are not frozen. Sensed our bodies what they expected and braced themselves against?

The Anne elders proved, not as often in the summer, but pleasant. The water was plus 8 ° C warmer than the air.

The low water level required during the swim our full attention, so that the freeze no time was left. After getting dry, put on suits or normal step to the cloakroom / shower. What happened? Nothing, no freeze, nothing!

The emerging arrogant sense if our "hardness", the shower was abruptly nipped in the bud. Our K örper responded to the previously suppressed with an enormous cold shivering with chills. Do not worry, the doctor formed under the Nachbardouche colleague, produced by the body with these numerous muscle contractions only heat in order to heat up again.

Since then, the Zibeleschwümme under the auspices of the Switzerland erischen Rescue Society, SLRG, Bern section is conducted annually. After the second time we unlatched from us. The press appeared, the television, a Guggenheim m usic , P u bliku m . D he s was not in our sense. Our chat had wi r g e h from t, d ie B i ERID e e a us g el e b t .

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Makeup Brush Kit Kirkland

How the U.S. economy works

It is a slow day in a small Florida town and streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody is living on credit. A rich tourist drives through town, stops at the motel, and lays a $100 bill on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs to pick one for the night. As soon as he walks upstairs, the motel owner grabs the bill and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher. The butcher takes the $100 and runs down the street to retire his debt to the pig farmer. The pig farmer takes the $100 and heads off to pay his bill to his supplier, .the Farmer's Co-op The guy at the Farmer's Co-op takes the $100 and runs to pay his debt to the local prostitute, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer her "services" on credit. The hooker rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill with the hotel owner. The hotel proprietor then places the $100 back on the counter so the rich traveler will not suspect anything. At that moment the traveler comes down the stairs, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, picks up the $100 bill and leaves town. No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town is now out of debt and now looks to the future with a lot more optimism. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the United States Government is conducting business today.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chapped Lips And Bleeding Gums

idea of further testing

The last story reminded me of further testing. Chronological playback of A - D.


final exam as a mechanic, a practical part. Test piece: sharpened base plate with holes and gaps. On the bottom plate mounted movable parts (turned and milled). The whole thing looked a little Tinguelyplastik similar. Time: 3 days. First made the base plate and stored in a drawer in the cabinet. Creating the other parts. In order to mount Overall I got the base plate out again. a shock, anger, despair. The bottom plate had been replaced! Before me was a "real botch. Poorly filed, to large gaps and holes. Received from the experts eliminate an additional two hours to the grossest errors. Note 4.5. Frustrated. Never took the test piece from.


With h ochroten head as I left unmasked, disabled applicants, the Office of IBM again after a short time. Unhappy as a mechanic, although employment in the coveted research department, I reported on a listing of IBM in Bern as a service mechanic. Not out of genuine interest, more out of the feeling that something should be. Because knowledge was power condition and I had no idea of buying a small booklet Hallwag "electricity". The various electrical laws and formulas I learned by heart, without having understood the matter from scratch. This was observed by two experts, despite the simple but refined asked questions, within a few minutes.


again had no real interest, railways and locomotives never interested me, I reported to the SBB as a train driver aspirant while at the police. Two-day test at the SBB . On the second day of individual handling. What remains is mainly the memory of a cleverly constructed machine. Alternately immersed in a rectangular peep-hole at the same time and again to small rings, squares, triangles, etc.. I realized in the set as a ring, I had to press with the right hand a contact, a triangle demanded the use of the left foot, etc. Such all four extremities were used. The expert left me alone in the room. Right foot, left hand, right foot back, then right hand, and so on and so forth. I felt like Charlie Chaplin. Finally stopped the thing again! The expert appeared. With the remark "so the whole thing again from scratch, but now with twice the speed and duration " He disappeared!

SBB came forward only after about 3 months. To my surprise, I had passed the exam, I knew it in the rail-related questions to nothing. I "had" to cancel because I now had already signed with the police.


Regarding the entrance exam in police , which lasted for two days, I can only remember the endurance test. These consisted of one run over 4 km with a single start. Altenberg Bridge - Felsenau power plant back. Having no idea of running speed and disposition of forces, "died" I almost towards the end.

At the final inspection I've got mixed feelings. Front gathered the political and other celebrities, and all officers (Commissioners, etc.) of the Police Corps, throughout the year our faculty and now also examining experts, in Sunday uniform. We recruit relaxed sitting at the desks. Relaxed because we had to fear not to embarrass us. Beforehand, each of us was based on the prepared questions for him. So that nothing could go wrong, the correct answer to fix them. That the slogan "The police, your friend and helper" is not an empty phrase, we could thus learn from the very top of his own body. To reject the help would have been rude, or not? Still plagues me today the guilty conscience. In addition, I am sorry to have the image of the mitgekratzt by many people as integer held authority. In the past, not everything better than today.

inclined My regular readers know that I am the police, perceived as too boring, but also because otherwise, after two years resigned. My career then I found lasting happiness in the claims department of a large insurance company.