Thursday, May 27, 2010

Scabies Wash Sheets Before Or After Treatment

The surprise and self-knowledge

The surprise
Monday morning after the Ascension, at the morning meal. For 14 days at home in wet, cool weather. On the north side, no relief in sight.

Eva: Are we going to Ticino until next Saturday?
Eva: You said yesterday evening after Meteo even now we should really go to Ticino. There was throughout the week at Nordföhn nice, warm weather the day.

My surprise was not without it. Not that Eva would be inflexible, but so far I had to go to such a "thought flash" ever day a "lead time" einrechnen. Before it could be thought of a departure, the beds had to re-wash the dirty laundry in the laundry basket and the apartment to be cleaned. "You never know whether to come back home."

I made a good lead for the new game was, without question in Google trot, Swisscom helped to more sales, grabbed the bikes and beds, and the Nespresso Suitcase (see blog of 5:10:09) in the trunk. In between I saw from the corner of my eye Eve with the "Flume" handle. So there is no complete metamorphosis, I made some extent be reassured. To say is that as home cleaning is really under my auspices. I worked so hard to give privileges not usually award again lightly. In order not to disturb the travel arrangements, but I let the five be straight for once.

The self-knowledge
On shores of Lake Lugano. On the sun-bed, in the cool shade. To the north is still bad weather. Compared to the majority of remaining at home I feel: "Ä ld la, we catch the beautiful weather! Conclusion: As long suspected, even in my sleep, lower instincts. I am not Significantly better than estimated 99.9% of all Earth citizens.


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