Sunday, August 8, 2010

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heat het dr knättet dough wäär? Ig!
heat züpflet het wäär? Ig, so pure!

If you think, now Hans spins completely, tired of this self-adulation, I will understand, but also an explanation. I am of sick, had fever and a physician prescribed home arrest.

Should I end the story, or give my urge to communicate? Readers who want to read, be warned. Despite the effort to put it short, it can be langfädig. Medical issues with me tend to their own particular.

since Thursday afternoon alternately violent chills, high fever, then short-term normal temperature. Yesterday, Saturday afternoon, shivering for the third time. Telephone Medgate. Describe the situation. They would ask a prescription (antibiotic) and fax it to my pharmacy. No way. Must notify me in case of emergency. Should not drive the same car. Cycling was not mentioned.

Sign temperature measurement. The blonde lady changes to the facial expressions of friendly concern and leads me directly into an examination room. Waiting in a large waiting room, they could not expect me at such a high fever. Whether I want to lie down? It seems a nice, medieval man in white. Listed my answers. Blood sampling for laboratory testing and applying a discreetly said, kidney secretion culture, in order to determine the pathogen and enable a specific antibiotic treatment.

laboratory test are available after a short time.

He: "distinction ...", I must instruct them to hospital.
Me: intellectual point out that today, unlike previously, even men in white ordinary people. But why "distinction ..."?
He: Is embarrassed. Apologizes for his verbal derailment. Poor laboratory values. Immediately gave me a broad-spectrum antibiotic to swallow.
I: Did the hospital admission for discussion. To the doctor not to annoy innocent, reserved. What would be different in the hospital than at home? The result of the applied arts would there not also exist. Even in the hospital could only be treated with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. If I vomit the medicine, I would be reported immediately, in order to start a steady infusion therapy. He
: Heard with changing facial expressions more attention to. Telephoned the urologist of the department. Ok, I take an ultrasound. If nothing special, we give an immediate hospitalization. Control after 24 hours with me in an emergency.
I: vehicle tidy and happy home.

Today: Subjectively, no significant improvement. After all, the fever rose to a little less high and pleasant, without the chills. Lens (new laboratory) improvement. The antibiotic to propose. From a hospital admission no more talk. Telephone report on Tuesday and visit family physician on 17 August. Furthermore, 2 tablets per day has been used to pack. By the way, the doctor is also cyclists. End of story.


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