Friday, August 27, 2010

Cristina Aguileratits

had by not torn threads

My oldest memory is of whales in the old Marzili, then an island, separated from the mainland by a tributary of the Aare, "Läufu. The women's, men's and Fa milienbad strictly separated. In the women only in the "Läufu" built into non-swimmers compartment. Wooden stairs and wooden floor. Handrails u nd barrier of dark iron pipes in the water area painted red. B exert pre-school, I was one who could be accompanied by their mothers residing in women only.

contrary to instructions I had bgemeldet una towards the non-swimmer compartment away from the mother. I promptly slipped on the stairs and was, from here on I can still remember every detail, face down in the water. Below me d he transition wood stairs / wooden floor, left me in front of the red-painted handrail. Fear of drowning? Not at all. (A small child can not imagine anything in the death and thus a uch have no fear of death). g Hin egen I had an incurable fear of whales! Apparently I had heard from the Bible of Jonas, who was swallowed by a whale orden w . I was paralyzed with fear. About how the mother pulled me out of the water, I can not remember. I was lucky, the thread on which my life was not cracked. re

h later as Z far graders. We now lived in the oak wood, near the Aare. I m area of the "Grien" had allowed me to swim, but not so towards Marzili. Apparently, contrary to popular opinion, the youth earlier au ch no better than today. Anyway, I sat down, taking all his courage, over the ban and swam towards Marzili. The courage was just enough to "Chnächteler," a wild place in the Aare, over the zoo located . is there, it was said at that time, once a slave be drowned. As of now I see also captures every detail of me. I swallowed Wed ch, dac hte to the servant drowned, fell into panic and started to "zäpfeln. When I was up again, I saw a man in the Aare "köpfeln", my Savior. Once again I had not pulled back luck with the yarn.

Because all good things come in threes, yet this story. The mid-nineties. First mountain bike purchased. A usfahrt from Hilterfingen with residents who are colleagues. Because the weather was very warm, he appeared without a helmet. Should I, should I not? I came up with me a holistic view in the helmet to take . Return to the paved road on the length of Aeschlen Chess / Oberhofen. As a cautious skier far behind my colleagues, d he waited in vain at the lakeside road below me. I was in the face, "thanks to" a broken lens bleeding heavily, "looped" in bicycle frames, deliberately found going on. The rear hose had burst, dissolved the tire from the rim. No recollection of the crash and the time immediately before. After hours, the cuts in the face were already supplied with 17 stitched seams, the fracture in Ellbo gene fixed I arrived at the hospital tuna back to me. Thanks to the GE wear helmets ic h came with a Gehirnersch ütte r TRAINING thereof. Otherwise could i not tell this story, ch. Again I was lucky, for the third Ma l Did not the thread.

Warning: weiterblättern E
some fraction minds do not know. One photo is not for everyone thing.

The "Chnächteler"


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