Monday, September 13, 2010

Give Up Smoking Skunk

The light under the bushel

I fight with me. Honest. Should I now my Light under the Schefé doubt bring out or me to practice in humility and you deny this story? One, two, three, and that Besch eidenheit oppressive going on.

It was almost to the day before five 0 years. My wedding ring is the thanks I know no matter how exactly! Eva grew up in Klagenfurt, Carinthia on. In early September 1960 I made me to escort Eve, my future mother know . Learn On (Love) pair without engagement rings in Carinthia? At that time, incredible! From somewhere we came into the possession of a very wide gold ring, we could cut in half. Eva picked up the rings. Because I was in the police service had told me Eva's engagement to the implementation of the phone. According engraving of this event was held on 4 September 1960 instead. Enough digressions, and on into history.

Small beach near Klagenfurt. One of the usual wooden walkways that knows its safe. At a certain distance a raft. Sunbath on the jetty. Suddenly, cries for help from the Area of the raft. As a "Swiss rescue swimmer," Brevet acquired during the police academy, I realized the seriousness of the situation in an instant, I fell into the swift waters and brought the wildly beating the girl with a trained rescue handles to the safety of shore. have placed in me to describe the "Austria and excessive" admiration, my innate modesty forbids me. Just because I'm closer to the action before the lifeguards arrived. Otherwise, this time the girl had taken from the water. The following story is even more serious nature.

One, two years later at the scythe, not far from the black water-junction. Average water level. We were practically alone. Since, further up the shore, a young woman screaming for help. From a distance, seen in the water a driving certain something, a small tree trunk confusingly similar. It was her unconscious friend. The recovery was not difficult. The revival was, but were during the training exercise, the partners are all male and dummy puppets gender neutral.


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