Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bread Clips For Wheel Chairs

exam stress high 3

On Wednesday morning, 14 August 1957 was, for me the world is in order. Well, I was probably a little nervous already, but by 1000 I had the Clock Road Traffic Office in the Northern Ring take the practical motorcycle test. Against 0930 Clock I stamped me in the store love field from the Hasler AG. The hourly wage was standing there, to make careful use of every minute. The reward has been settled in minutes.

factor 1:

today can kick-off to fire up electric motorcycles, then, as you certainly know that. This was always associated with an extra "kick". If he comes, he will not come? This time he did not, definitely not! Record-breaking Spurt in Mattenhof, the then headquarters of the company. There he met my old friend (you know who the ...). "Of course you can use my Puch. Instead of the lost key but you have that bent, thick nail stuck in the ignition. Take good care, he leaps like to back out. You will have to hold his hand. Also, I can not unscrew the cap of the fuel tanks. Hopefully, the must have enough ". The explanation of how you hold the nail and at the same time the gas and clutch lever operated, he did owe me.

Factor 2:

Somehow I reached the road traffic office in time to start the test could. The expert was in the car. First sharp curve, the engine got out. Descend, kick-off, the nail holding on unnoticed. After each trip, the same procedure again. Then I managed the feat "Motorcycling with three hands." Without further incident, I completed the remaining courses. Expert commentary: "Passed. Initially, I thought, but in all seriousness, you can not even riding a motorcycle and was about to stop testing.

Factor 3: made

The unscrewed in the Fiat garage in the northern ring with a large pipe wrench to the gas cap to reveal a large thimble remaining quantity of petrol. My "lucky Angel" was on 14 August 1957 fully on it.


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