Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Seasons For Thin Steaks

laws of the screwdriver

° equal what you fall into the engine room, it does not depend on the
workshop floor.

· Best case in the oil pan.

· The wrench slips only when a sharp edge is close to your knuckles.

· First lift law: they all come down forever.

Towards the end of a screw is always on.

· Our missing something else.

· Decision errors occur only if already on the test drive when they go irreparable destruction. Otherwise, they do so only at the vehicle owner.

· The falling part moves farther into the corner, the smaller it is.

· The harder it is, the more likely it meets along the way your foot.

· Thread can change their direction spontaneously.

· batteries and generators in their polarity as well.

· leaks never exist simultaneously with watchful eyes, but only in the moment of looking away. There

· Unbreakable parts do not exist.

· Melting backups are protected from electronic circuits by burning. can

· Case Dropped tool proposes a right where it
cause the maximum damage. A nut is still in the cylinder, always a wrench across both poles of the battery, a tube of sealant always falls in the oil pan, a pot of oil, however, always on the driver's seat and a hammer always against the windshield.

· fresh painted parts move as long as the paint is still wet,
insects like magic. When it dries, this attraction has instead on sharp objects.

• A part that is removed from a donor car,
is not seen as defective when destroyed by its expansion to other parts of multiple original price of the required.

° applies to repair vehicles at the same, except that the upgraded part is then recognized as perfectly.

· battle vehicles only as long as the same color as to be repaired, until their parts are built to be repaired.

• The mechanics of two identical vehicles of the same Baumonats different if and only if parts are intended for repair from one of the other.

• If the manual recommends special tool, you will need it only if people thought, it's possible without. If one has bought it, the vehicle is modified so that the special tool is useless

· Under Never underestimate the stupidity of the previous owner and his wrench. But not their own.

• A bug has annoyed the up disappears for weeks at the entrance to the workshop site
and occurs only at the exit of the same spontaneously to.

· The good friend whom you rarely needed a special tool
have lent it you forget to return and is calculated then leave when you need it yourself.

• The screw which makes problems when you open is always the worst attainable.

· go Saturday when bolts break any operation relevant parts accessible after 14 clock.

· The bonnet lock most of the occiput

· meets on the on the fender edge stored screwdriver you think after closing the hood

· oil splashes always take only bright or expensive clothes

· Are there different causes, it is always the most expensive

• The parts you do not need your dealer has in stock because
breaks something never, currently unfortunately is not available, or by an
manufacturers complete withdrawal from the program

• The parts have which you trailer for half a year and just
at breakfast found this one in a newspaper advertisement have been sold, unfortunately, 10 minutes ago

· You'll see on the flea market for 3 € a right tail light,
the abandoned shopping cart on the next Saturday but guaranteed to take the left

· The weather forecast does not always when you're outdoors on the screw.

· the right wrench is always the one on long way to

· Better knowledge appears always when something does not

· Previous control of installation kits or repair kits
is useless, items disappearing only shortly before they are needed.


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