Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Much Is Cineplex On Tuesdays

RTL Teletext page 516 & 501

RTL Teletext Urlaub in Deutschland The RTL Teletext tourism advertising on pages 516 again receives support from the travel news on the page 501 - with extremely high marriage come up, 500 since just after the main travel page The

Germany Vacations offers the site are also a far greater extent on the new platform Tourist Info to find 2.0 .

press release from 15/12/2010
vacation planning 2011 Social Media: 'tourist info 2.0'
Nuremberg (ots) - "do if one of a journey '- then in times of social media the experience needed during the planning : Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and blogs offer new media experiences that will become an increasingly important part of leisure time. In
network 'tourist info 2.0' started in December 2010 under can leave providers, tourism and leisure travelers to present and exchange ideas, and that the 'Web 2.0'-style: in addition to ample opportunities for customizable Profiles, photos, videos and 'widgets' is 'sharing' with Facebook, Twitter & Co. offered variety. Thus, even events created equal and 'split' will - as well as articles of the integrated weblogs that are 'posted' automatically on the associated Tourist Info page on Facebook . [article touristinfo.ning / news]

travel site RTL Germany (without using tools to enlarge) Teletext 516
RTL Teletext: Urlaub in Deutschland


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