Friday, December 3, 2010

Lorna Morgan New Movie

Oberpfalz, Nine Castle: Castle Advent 10.-12.12. 2010

NEUNBURG. Of 10 to 12 December it is in the courtyard again at Christmas-romantic castle-Advent with a program that requires all the senses. Culinary, artistic and acrobatic, exhibitors and players for every taste. Advent feeling pure in the appropriate atmosphere is guaranteed.

the tourist office was appealing the program for Friday through Sunday the clock by 18 from the night watchman Gerhard Wuerl, Mayor Wolfgang Bayerl and the town band will be opened. The children of Joseph-kindergarten sing it with their clear voices and "Ameno Signum" plays with light and fire. 20 clock the town band on the first day framed in the romantic courtyard.
on Saturday can be viewed from 17 clock a live nativity scene and the youth brass band plays Seebarn it. Dietrich Werner Lange organizer was looking for a gig like him this year for the first time the theater contributes Sinnesrausch from Schwarzhofen. By 18 clock fairy and Christmas elves across the square and at 19 clock wander during the service, the pantomime "Silent Angel" to be admired. At 18:30 clock enters the music with the accordion group "Keys for friends" on. 20 clock should be on the program of "stainless steel" look forward.
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