Saturday, January 22, 2011

Burping Sign Of Virus

CMT Stuttgart 2011 - Goldener Rollstuhl verliehen

ABS (Active disabled in Stuttgart and around) honors four best rates for unlimited travel for people with disabilities with the Golden wheelchair, which was awarded at the 2011 CMT

relax on holiday and relax, just want the people with disabilities. But this is not always so easy. The ABS Center for Independent Living Stuttgart eV examined regularly with the best travel opportunities and services for people with disabilities. Since 1998, ABS is distinguished in four categories, best travel offers, brochures and providers as well as hotels and accommodations each year on the holiday fair from CMT.

"Saxon Switzerland enjoy barrier-free" is "the best travel brochure, which is available for people with disabilities currently in Germany," said Peter Epp, Managing ABS Board, in his eulogy. The ABS center had received this region, therefore the Golden wheelchair. Editor the catalog is the Tourism Saxon Switzerland eV Andreas Gärtner, Director of the Tourist Board, are pleased about the award: "Having won last year, the state of Saxony this price, we felt motivated to extend the accessibility of our region even more. This award is a great compliment to our work. "

In the category of tour operator went to the Golden wheelchair VBA Independent Living Association travel service in Munich. The long distance coach Merlin the PLA has found an innovative solution to enable wheelchair bus tours. The bus is equipped with a third beat door and hoist ramps, that even electric wheelchairs can be transported easily. The passenger compartment is designed spacious and also has a wheelchair toilet with changing table. This is the opinion of the jury to ensure a reasonable passenger comfort.

"joy of life as a penny!" is the motto of the winner of the Golden wheelchair in the category of culture and leisure, the coastal resort of Eckernförde. Under the guidance of the Disability Advisory Council of the city, the port and beach promenade and the city were transformed accessible. With blank strips, continuous areas and beach wheelchairs will the community for all residents and visitors an attractive environment . Offer "In our brochure we have such as hair salons and doctors performed with disabled facilities. to the joy of living, that's our goal. "said Marie Weinberg of the Eckernförde Tourism and Marketing GmbH .

For the area hotels and lodging for the Golden wheelchair went to the river cruise ship MS Alegria, which is in Germany and Holland to the Rhine on the road. The Dutch company Adelle Cruises had bought the ship and converted for disabled people. On board there are ten double rooms and wheelchair accessible, of course, also an elevator, so that the passengers in their wheelchairs enjoy the benefits of the sun decks. "As the Alegria MS is the only ship of its size, accessibility, the award went to law to them. For people with disabilities, it is important to have to worry if the bed is too low or maybe the toilet may be too small. Here is the journey a pleasant pleasure, whether for passengers with or without a wheelchair, "praised Peter Epp, Managing ABS Board to accept this offer. experience

Saxon Switzerland barrier-free: catalog

Source: CMT Stutttgart 2011


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