Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chiken Grope In Train

CMT Stuttgart 2011 - Hiking

Arts in Nature: Hiking is fun, keeps you fit and is sociable. No wonder that this area is found at the Holiday Fair Stuttgart more and more followers. The first national study of the basic German Hiking Association (DWV) According to migrate 40 million German much. 83 percent of the walkers feel after a walk even happy and satisfied. Hikers in Germany said according to the study, 11.5 million a year for their favorite leisure time activity from. 144 000 jobs are directly dependent on walking holidays.

hikers appreciate the well-marked, nationwide network of hiking trails in the country. quality-conscious Whether the route selection, equipment and accommodation or the issue of health, most hiking enthusiasts are great. On the special bike & adventure holidays with Hiking 2011 German Hiking Association therefore wants the issues of "quality way", "Walking in Germany", "Health Walk" and "walking school" in the foreground. The predicate "Qualitätsweg Walking in Germany" is awarded by the German Hiking Association and is awarded for ways to meet the needs and desires of migrants in a particular way. , 62 routes in Germany to bear this title. On the 2011 CMT will provide new ways for their sustainable quality of the test.

hikers who are planning a trip can put together under the important information for them. The tour portal provides concise information about GPS, new services for planning a hike and 1270 establishments with DWV-seal "Walking in host quality Germany "are excellent." In 2011 we celebrate with Walking in Germany, the 10-year anniversary. At the start of the hiking year we will be presenting at CMT's current activities of service, "said Ute Dicks , Managing Director of DWV in Kassel.

Health too Hiking has become a success story. Already on the last CMT was the German Migrant Association of the walking-fitness-Pass presented. In the small booklet you can document the participation in physical activities in the German Hiking Association organized walking clubs. Here are over 100,000 walking and exercise programs to choose from. "Meanwhile detect most large Health insurance, the German hiking badges in their bonus programs to. ", Says Dick, about 50 million insured people in Germany could participate

DWV want to achieve with its activities, including children and young people's project.." School Hiking - Stark making for more movement and sustainable nature experiences 'with this intention into account. The project focuses on three practice-oriented training courses that cater to educators.

When Swabian Albverein , the largest migrant association in Europe, the focus of the presentation also on the topics of "schooling and Fitness Hiking". In addition to a varied program will stage the Swabian Albverein the club-house know-how present about hiking. These include information on 24,000 km comprehensive trail system, but also tips on equipment and planning as well as facts about nature, culture and customs.

[Full story: CMT Stuttgart ]


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