Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Put Cheats On Gpsphone Games

Soccer, long fingernails and dirty clothes

have Fussballbanause As I do not currently easily. Radio or TV on, over and over again is "only" football talk. Of course I am also, if we win . I even know that we our victory against Spain the gate Gelson Fernandes in the 52nd Thanks minutes. You think so what, so now the white is now really everyone. Now you hold on tight, however, and answered spontaneously following Question: Who scored the European Cup semi-final of 15 April 1959 at YB - Stade Reims in Wankdorf the winning goal for 1:0? Who, yes who? Geni Meier in the 13th Minute! Before 63 000 spectators, an absolute record. I was not there.

surprised about my football knowledge? They stem from the fact that as a short holiday in Paris in the return match at the Parc des Princes on 05/13/1959 was present at the general admission bleachers. I do not remember because of the 3-0 defeat YB's, rather because of the extremely severe pain in the left upper arm, which I feel today and dirty clothes. It happened like this:

jumped After the match, a single audience across the lawn. Grid was known at that time. One of the many police officers stationed set his shepherd dog on him. The dog grabbed and pulled the man to the ground. A loud, collective outcry from the spectators. In the majority of them shouted "les flics aux chiottes" and the same applies to throwing empty beer bottles 3 dl. The policemen ran coming from all corners successfully from injury over the head with solid protective capes, towards wardrobes. In time, made the initial Anger some amusement place. Could finally be wiped out in this way "the authorities" one. People were not really malicious.

Such was the time in Bern has never, not even begin to happen. Consider the completely overcrowded Wankdorf the first leg. My reaction? Initially, a mixture of horror and amazement, over time I allowed myself but, I confess, just inside a little infected by the "relaxed" atmosphere. Then, suddenly from behind a policeman bored, basically a colleague, his long fingernails into my upper left arm. Such painful "Gepfätzt" and thrown to the ground, I met Paris and from the mole perspective. I had not noticed that was well underway in the evacuation of the grandstand. My enthusiasm for Paris Flics was henceforth limited.

So I not only learned as a youngster (see blog dated 12.6.10), the exporting state power, the executive, as the Austrians say accurately, know firsthand.

Right, chiottes means as much as Sch ... house.

And, to complete, for a total of 720 days, I gave up another member of the executive state power.


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